Electricity Price Prediction under Consideration of Market Coupling

  • 4.6 Rating
  • 3 Reviews
  • 5 Students Enrolled

Electricity Price Prediction under Consideration of Market Coupling

Day-ahead electricity price prediction

  • 4.6 Rating
  • 3 Reviews
  • 5 Students Enrolled
  • Free

Courselet Content

2 components


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General Overview


The availability of accurate day-ahead electricity price forecasts is pivotal for electricity market participants. In the context of trade liberalisation and market harmonisation in the European markets, accurate price forecasting becomes difficult for electricity market participants to obtain because electricity forecasting requires the consideration of features from ever-growing coupling markets. This study provides a method of exploring the influence of market coupling on the electricity price prediction. We apply state-of-the-art long short-term memory (LSTM) deep neural networks combined with feature selection algorithms for electricity price prediction under the consideration of market coupling.

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About the Instructor

I am a research fellow at NUS. My main research interests are Explainable AI and Computational Finance.

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93% `  